3 Ways to Choose Misery at Work

3 ways to make yourself unhappy at work. We accidentally choose unhappiness because we don’t know any better. This article aims to help you know better.

New mastermind coaching group: Leading for Happiness

Happy Brain Science is offering a mastermind coaching group focused on leading for happy and engaged employees. The mastermind group will be facilitated by CEO and Coach Scott Crabtree. The group will include online training and meetings, in-person opportunities, a one-on-one coaching session with Scott, and access for you and your colleagues to our happiness e-course.  Please read more and read more…

[Video] Is Attitude Contagious?

Attitude, mood, and even behaviors are contagious at work. We are strongly influenced by each other. When you are around your colleagues, you’re influenced by their attitude and behavior.

3 Ways to Befriend Your Fear

Boo! Is fear working for you, against you, or both? Today is Halloween in much of the western world. The holiday is a reminder that sometimes we enjoy ‘negative’ emotions such as fear. Sometimes, in fact, we pay good money to be scared, whether by a horror movie, haunted house, or dark video game. Can Fear read more…

3 Concrete Steps to Improve Your Mood at Work

Simply boosting mood can help to improve collaboration, resiliency, creativity, and even your pay at work. To boost your mood today, try one some of these tips.

[Video] Happiness Leads To Success

Most of us think that success is will lead to happiness. We work hard to be successful so that we can be happy because of that success. However, science says this might not be the case.

Apply Science to Boost Productivity at Work, part two

In part one of this Productivity Series, I provided you an overview of how you can apply science to boost productivity at work by minimizing multitasking. This second installment, will feature the concept of “flow” and how you achieve more flow by diminishing distractions when you need to focus the most.

[Video] What Is Negativity Bias? How Can We Overcome It?

Negativity bias is a term that scientists use to describe the fact that we give more weight to negative or threatening things than we do to positive or happy things. We are wired to pay attention to the negative, and give more emphasis and focus on the negative.