3 science-based hacks for your next presentation
At some point in our careers, most of us have to deliver a presentation. Whether you are introducing a new company policy, showing the progress on your latest project, or convincing someone of your qualifications for a position, you can draw upon brain science to boost your impact.
The key is to understand how the human brain processes and stores information, when it’s at its best to make decisions, and how it supports us in engaging with each other.
Below are three of my favorite hacks that help both your audience’s brains and your own to make the most of a presentation. You can find 29 more in my free guide Hack Your Next Workshop.
1. Walk before you talk.
The findings of several studies suggest that moderate physical activity eases your nerves, and improves your ability to think on your feet.
2. Repeat key points.
Memories are not created equally. According to research, the last things you say will be remembered more strongly than most everything that came before. So, restate the most important points at the end of each section as well as at the end of the presentation.
3. Save handouts for the end.
When you give your audience handouts, it encourages them to divide their attention between the handouts and you, and to simultaneously read and listen. That kind of multi-tasking is undermining their brains ability to fully take in what you are sharing. Save your handouts until the end, or pass them out just before your audience needs them for an activity.
Again, here’s the link to the full 32 hacks. I would love to hear how you are implementing them in your next presentation, and how they work – or don’t work – for you.